Friday, September 18, 2009

Get Rid of Bacne

Bacne is a slang which means acne on the back. It is a combination of the words “back” and “acne”. If you have bacne, you probably don’t usually worry so much about it because your shirt covers it. But if you are planning on going out to the beach or public pool for a swim, you’ll eventually have to uncover it, unless of course you did to swim with a shirt on. Luckily these days there are many ways you can get rid of bacne.

There are many causes of bacne so although one treatment may work for someone else that same treatment might not work for another. If one way to get rid of bacne has no effect for you, then try another way. If you keep trying, eventually one treatment will finally work.

The simplest way to get rid of bacne is to wash your back daily with soap and water. That helps in removing dirt and oil which causes the bacne. You should also refrain from eating oily foods such as burgers, pizzas, fries, and also you need to stop using oil based makeup. Try to stay away from as much oils as possible. Getting your diet right is very crucial in the battle against bacne.

Try using acne products such as Clearasil. These products don’t require prescriptions and help in the acne cleansing process. They work by exfoliating the skin and opening up your skin’s pores so that dirt and grime can be washed away.

If you have extreme cases of acne on your back which you just can’t get rid of with washing and over the counter medication, then you might need to see your dermatologist. The dermatologist can prescribe you stronger prescription medications which usually work well in combating acne. The dermatologist may use antibiotics to kill the bacteria on your back.

Whatever you do in your treatment of back acne, try not to squeeze or pop the pimples. This only results in the spreading of bacteria and more acne growth for you.

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